11 - Data Structures. Sets



  • Learn what sets are
  • Learn when to use sets
  • Compare Sets vs Lists
  • Java Set Implementations(HashSet & TreeSet)
  • Common used sets methods (Set theory)



Exercise 1

In main method

  • Create a new HashSet of strings, add banana, apple, orange.
  • Print content of sets using for loop
  • Clear the set.
  • Add one more element grapes.
  • Check if set is empty, and if it’s not empty print “I am not empty!”. What is the order of elements after adding them to HashSet?

Exercise 2

Write a static method randomSet that will return a HashSet containing a collection of n unique random numbers in range 0-100. In the main method iterate over the returned Set and print each number multiplied by 2. Where n is a number of random elements in set.

Exercise 3

Change data type in previous exercise from HashSet to TreeSet. What is the difference?

Exercise 4

Write a static method intersection that will return an intersection of two sets given by parameters. Note - sets given by parameters may not be modified.

Exercise 5

Write a static method union that will return an union of two sets given by parameters. Note - sets given by parameters may not be modified.

Exercise 6

Write a static method difference that will return a difference between two sets given by parameters. Note - sets given by parameters may not be modified.

Exercise 7

Create a TreeSet containing integers that will maintain descending order of numbers. Hint: Look at alternative TreeSet constructors.


Exercise 1

Write a static method symetricDifference that will return the symetric difference between t wo sets given by parameters. Note - sets given by parameters may not be modified.

Exercise 2

Write a method that takes an array with integers and return an array of unique values of the array

Exercise 3

Write a method that takes a String and returns all unique characters of this String

Exercise 4 (Optional)

Write a method that takes a String and returns all duplicate characters of this String

Last Updated: 9/29/2019, 7:27:12 PM