24 - Coding challenges and interview questions
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1. Reverting a string
Print out a string in reverse order.
Input: Hello World
Ourpur: dlroW olleH
Input: This is crazy
Output: yzarc si sihT
2. Most frequent element in an array (from https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/frequent-element-array/)
Given an array, find the most frequent element in it. If there are multiple elements that appear maximum number of times, print any one of them.
Input : arr[] = {1, 3, 2, 1, 4, 1}
Output : 1
Input : arr[] = {10, 20, 10, 20, 30, 20, 20}
Output : 20
Questions Marks (from https://www.coderbyte.com/editor/Questions%20Marks:Java)
Have the function QuestionsMarks(str)
take the str
string parameter, which will contain single digit numbers, letters, and question marks, and check if there are exactly 3 question marks between every pair of two numbers that add up to 10. If so, then your program should return the string true
, otherwise it should return the string false
. If there aren't any two numbers that add up to 10 in the string, then your program should return false
as well.
For example: if str
is "arrb6???4xxbl5???eee5" then your program should return true
because there are exactly 3 question marks between 6 and 4, and 3 question marks between 5 and 5 at the end of the string.
Input: "aa6?9"
Output: false
Input: "acc?7??sss?3rr1??????5"
Output: true
Additional Resources
Interactive code challenges
- https://www.hackerrank.com/dashboard, a nice platform for coding challenges and learning in general
- https://leetcode.com/problemset/all/ is full of coding interview problems, and they recently added a learning platform
- https://edabit.com/challenges/java, more coding challenges
- https://codingbat.com/java
- https://coderbyte.com/
Other resources
- https://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/java-coding-interview-programs/
- https://javarevisited.blogspot.com/2017/07/top-50-java-programs-from-coding-Interviews.html