How To Edit This Site?

This site is based on VuePress - VueJS based static site generator. There are couple of reasons why I chose VuePress and not something X:

  • no need to write ANY JS/HTML unless you really want to
  • pure markdown based
  • very good looking site without any effort

Directory Structure

Structure of the markdown files is reflected in the structure of the urls - for example - file under teachers/ will be accessible in the browser under http://host/teachers/for-teachers.html.

Markdown Syntax

Cool thing about VuePress is that you can create custom VueJS components and embed them into markdown. For example I created a component for embedding solution to the exercise on the website which works in a way that you have to click on a link to show the solution - you can find the component in .vuepress/components/Solution.vue. Now on any page you can just use:

<Solution>Hi I am a solution!</Solution>

in order to get:

😎 Toggle Solution
Hi I am a solution!

Available Custom Components

Embedding YouTube Video

<YouTube src=""></YouTube>

Embedding Google Slides

<GoogleSlides src=""></GoogleSlides>

Collapsible Solution

System.out.println("Code can be there too!")
\`\`\` (remove these slashes)

in order to get:

😎 Toggle Solution
System.out.println("Code can be there too!")

Git Repository

The repository is hosted under the Redi School organisation on Github: If you have no write access to it either create a pull request or ping me (@micpalmia) on Slack to add you as a collaborator.

This website was first created by (@maciejwalkowiak)[] for the Spring 2019 version of the Java Intermediate Course.

Last Updated: 8/7/2019, 8:53:44 PM