Project rules
- Choose and share your idea with the teachers before 01.11
- You are working on the project until the end of the course
- You can work in groups (you should tell us that you are working in a group)
- Try to use what we learnt during the course
- You can use something that was not covered during the course
- You can (but don't have to) use one of our ideas
Project ideas 💡 💡 💡
Text analysis 📖
A user can enter a text using the console. The application should calculate a statistics and show it to the user:
- amount of the sentences
- amount of the words
- the longest word
- the longest sentence
- top 5 the most popular words in the text
Bonus: ↗️
If you finished the exercise, here some ideas how you can make it more complex and use something else:
- Read a text from a file
- Application receives a path to a folder, checks all files in this folder and create a statistics as a json file for
each file + a statistics for the folder, that contains:
- How many files were processed
- The biggest text
- The smallest text
- The longest sentence
- The longest word
- The top 5 the most popular words across all the texts
- Add tests for your application
You will use from the course: ✅
- Data Structures
- Tests
- File IO
You will need to learn yourself: 🔍
- String operations
Phone Index 📱
A user can enter a text using the console. Which contains phone number and name and they should be able to
- save number
- add new numbers later
- search for contact by name or phone number
Bonus: ↗️
If you finished the exercise, here some ideas how you can make it more complex and use something else:
- user can search for number and delete it from phone index
You will use from the course: ✅
- Data Structures
- Tests
- File IO
You will need to learn yourself: 🔍
- String operations
Accounting software 📈
A user can enter expenses and earnings using a console. They should be able to:
- retrieve all previously inserted expenses and earnings
- receive summaries and balances
- save and load data to and from file, to use it later on
Bonus: ↗️
If you finished the exercise, here some ideas how you can make it more complex and use something else:
- have a simple user management system that allows different users to register and log in the system, and store their data in different files
- use a real db!
You will use from the course: ✅
- Data Structures
- Tests
- File IO
You will need to learn yourself: 🔍
- String operations
- Potentially, simple database operations
Twitter analysis 🐦
A lot of things are said on Twitter every day - the analysis of tweets can be very valuable! The user of your program should be able to select a tag/topic, anx the program could fetch the last tweets on the topic and return some basic statistics
- most mentioned words (removing very common words?)
- most used emojis
- most active user
Bonus: ↗️
If you finished the exercise, here some ideas how you can make it more complex and use something else:
- you could use a graphing library to actually output nice graphs!
You will use from the course: ✅
- Data Structures
- Tests
- File IO
You will need to learn yourself: 🔍
- using Twitter Java API (maybe )
- potentially, using a graphing library